Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Yoyo, world on a string.

Long ago men believed that matter was the end all and most obvious thing and that there is nothing more to it.
Then along came few men and showed that matter was really made up of Atoms (very very minute things), which in turn was made up of protons, neutrons and what not! (Phew!).
Many scoffed at what they understood these few men as claiming that matter = discontinuous space.
Long ago men believed that space was measurable and unchangeable.
Then came along a few men (me thinks these few men had no other work than coming along) and showed that space was a relative (not uncle, aunt, bro, sis or any such relatives) idea or notion based on the observer. They showed that a straight line is actually a curve and that it is possible for parallel lines to meet (a married mans best kept secret).
These few men (yea them again) termed these as quantum mechanics (these for studying the atoms, Microcosm) and the other one (the one that describes vast space and time, in fact daring to go to the beginning itself) as general theory of relativity. They found light to be a peculiar fellow, one whose speed remained constant whether you go towards it or move away from it. This they took as constant (this is equivalent to our feeling of being present here and now, which never varies and is always constant).
These few men now wanted to marry the two so that the progeny would be able to reconcile the micro and the macro.
But alas! This was not to be.
So these few men now tried to come along and show their G-strings, oops sorry what I meant was their new theory that ultimately everything was made up of strings. Now time for some poetry or else you may go scurrying to the next blog.

In this new millennium superstring theory or simply string theory resolves the tension between general relativity and quantum mechanics. According to string theory, the marriage of the laws of the large and the small is not only happy but also inevitable. String theory has the inherent capability to show that all of the astonishing happenings in the universe-from the frenzied dance of subatomic quarks (components of protons or neutrons) to the stately dance of orbiting binary stars, from the primordial fireball of the big bang to the majestic whirl of celestial galaxies-- are reflections of one grand physical principle, one master equation.

Wow!! I never knew that I had talent for poetry also, even if it is inspired from some web site:

A time arose when there were five different string theories and it could no longer be called G string theory (typo- it should be the string theory).
After much head wracking these few men came up with the eleventh dimension (did I tell you that they already had ten dimensions? While we poo’ folks still are wallowing in three).
Don’t believe me? Then see this from the same inspiring source (link) above.

It is taken for granted that our universe has three spatial (length, width and height) dimensions. In formulating the general theory of relativity Einstein showed time is another dimension. According to general relativity space and time communicate the gravitational force through their curvature. Special theory of relativity is Einstein's laws of space and time in the absence of gravity. In 1919 Theodor Kaluza, a Polish mathematician suggested that the universe might have more than the three spatial dimensions. For example, a garden hose viewed from a long distance looks like a one-dimensional object. When magnified (when looked closely), a second dimension-one that is in the shape of a circle and is curled around the house-becomes visible. The direction along the length of the hose is long, extended, and easily visible. The direction circling around the thickness of the hose is short, "curled up," and harder to see. Hence spatial dimensions are of two types. They can be large, extended, and therefore directly evident, or they can be small, curled up, and much more difficult to detect. In the case of the garden hose, the "curled-up" dimension encircling the thickness of the hose is detected either going closer the hose or using a pair of binoculars from a distance. If the garden hose is as thin as a hair or a capillary, then its curled-up dimension is more difficult to detect.

Kaluza proposed that the spatial fabric of the universe might possess more than three dimensions of everyday experience. He showed by having four spatial dimensions, Einstein's general relativity and Maxwell's electromagnetic theory can be unified into a single theory. In 1926 Oskar Klein, a Swedish mathematician showed that the spatial fabric of our universe may have both extended (the three spatial dimensions of everyday experience) and curled-up dimensions. The additional dimensions in the universe are tightly curled up into a tiny space- a space so tiny that it has so far eluded detection by even our most advanced experimental equipment.
The equations of string theory show that the universe has nine space dimensions and one time dimension. Why is it that three space and one time dimensions are large and extended while all of the others are tiny and curled up? At present there is no answer to this question.

1 dimension of time + 9 dimensions (6 hidden and 3 known) of space = 10 dimensions
The few men were praying very hard to their God of strings and finally He/She answered the prayers with M theory (No not the money theory- which we all know as the Theory of everything).
What else can "M" stands for?
According to its creator, Ed Witten(one of those few men), as quoted in the PBS documentary based on Brian Greene's book "The Elegant Universe", the "M" in M-theory "stands for magic, mystery, or matrix, according to taste." He also added, "Some cynics have occasionally suggested that M also stands for 'murky,' because our level of understanding of the theory is in fact so primitive." Then, jokingly, he said, "Maybe I shouldn't have told you that!"
Skeptics of M-theory have joked that the "M" means "Moronic" or "Moron!"
Yes yes I know you could add a few more.

So in the end these few men quietly added another dimension when no one else was looking (see my first post) to make it eleven dimensions in all.
This theory showed that they were all part of the same theory M theory, which described the cosmos made of string all weaved in a fabric in eleven dimensions.
M-theory: theory emerging from the second superstring revolution that unites the previous five superstring theories within a single overarching framework. M-theory appears to be a theory involving eleven space time dimensions, although many of its detailed properties have yet to be understood.

See how close they are to the definition of Tantra?
Tantra: Weaving.
Tantra (Sanskrit: "weave" denoting continuity
Tantra. A system of spiritual beliefs and practices said to be derived from Sanskrit Roots signifying: "body" because of its emphasis on bodily activities; "stretch" because it extends the faculties of humans; "Rope" because it secures the devotee to deity; "Harp" for the music and beauty of its philosophy; "Interior ness" for the secrecy of its doctrine; "Loom" suggesting the 2 cosmic principles, male and female, that make up the warp and woof of the woven fabric of the universe.

Remember “yat brahmaanda tat pindaanda” , eleven Rudras?


Friday, October 13, 2006


India is a store house of deep practical and utilitarian knowledge as far as simple remedies to keep good health goes. One such remedy is of the Peanuts or groundnuts. Peanut or groundnut or our humble Sheng, the poor mans Badam (Almond) as colloquially referred to in India is a panacea for people who suffer from regular cough and cold related problems.
Actually it is a very simple remedy, it works like this-
Have a handful of roasted peanuts, chew thoroughly and then don’t drink or have any liquid or solid food (especially water) for at least an hour and half. You may feel thirsty but remember not to have any water. After this stipulated time may have normal diet. This is simple remedy help to keep you immune from cold and cough related problems and boosts your immune system to fight against them.

Those who are allergic to peanuts should not do this remedy.
For the others please don’t drink anything for the stipulated time otherwise you will get a very bad attack of cough when you catch cold. This cough will refuse to go away easily.

From wikipedia

The peanut or groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) is a species in the legume family Fabaceae native to South America. It is an annual herbaceous plant growing to 30 to 50 cm (1 to 1 1/2 feet) tall. The leaves are alternate, pinnate with four leaflets (two opposite pairs; no terminal leaflet), each leaflet 1 to 7 cm (1/3 to 2.75 inches) long and 1 to 3 cm (1/3 to 1 inch) broad. The flowers are a typical peaflower in shape, 2 to 4 cm (3/4 to one and a half inches) across, yellow with reddish veining. After pollination, the fruit develops into a legume 3 to 7 cm (1 to 2 inches) long containing 2 to 3 (rarely 1 or 4) seeds, which forces its way underground to mature.
Although a nut in the culinary sense, in the botanical sense the fruit of the peanut is a woody, indehiscent legume or pod and not technically a nut.
Peanuts are also known as earthnuts, goobers, goober peas, pindas, jack nuts, pinders, manila nuts and monkey nuts (the last of these is often used to mean the entire pod, not just the seeds).

* Allergies from peanuts
Although many people enjoy foods made with peanuts, some people have severe allergic reactions. For people with peanut allergy, exposure can cause fatal anaphylactic shock. For these individuals, eating a single peanut or just breathing the dust from peanuts can cause a fatal reaction. An allergic reaction also can be triggered by eating foods that have been processed with machines that have previously processed peanuts, making avoiding such foods difficult.

A theory of the development of peanut allergy has to do with the way that peanuts are processed in North America versus other countries like China and India. Peanuts are widely eaten in China and India but the prevalence of peanut allergies is almost unheard of there. According to a 2003 study, roasting peanuts, as more commonly done in North America, causes the major peanut allergen Ara h2 to become a stronger inhibitor of the digestive enzyme trypsin, making it more resistant to digestion.[1] Additionally, this allergen has also been shown to protect Ara h1, another major peanut allergen, from digestion- a characteristic further enhanced by roasting.[1]
Though the allergy can last a lifetime, another 2003 study indicates that 23.3% of children will outgrow a peanut allergy.[2]
Peanut allergy has been associated with the use of skin preparations containing peanut oil among children, but the evidence is not regarded as conclusive.[3] Peanut allergies have also been associated with family history and intake of soy products.[4]
Some school districts have banned peanuts, and there is now an experimental drug being tested to combat this allergy, called TNX-901.
As the peanut is a member of the legume family unrelated to other nuts, individuals with peanut allergies may not be allergic to the other types of nuts, and vice-versa.

Many such remedies have been lost, while we run after ever rising medical cost in our modern lifestyle.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Mind the content of consciousness.

The first thing that confronts a Spiritual aspirant on the path is his own mind.

So it is very important to understand what this mind is.

We know the mind to be a space somewhere inside our skull which is always buzzing with thoughts. When we try to come to grip with it we are bewildered by the complexities of this most intimate functioning and we thought it was only a mind- My mind at that. one on which I have total control, and we soon realize we were mistaken.

So it bides us well if we could come to an understanding of the "MIND".

Nisargadutt Maharaja terms mind as the content of consciousness (Pragnya).

Consciousness has many levels or layers. We will here deal with only two levels -

Normal conscious (that which a person is aware of)

Sub-conscious (that which the person is not normally aware)

The sub conscious is said to be more powerful in that it is ninety percent of our mental faculty.

the conscious is only ten percent.

This can be demonstrated by ice in a container of water.

(This is not a good image of the phenomenon of ice floating on water but the only good one i could find on the web)

The ice and water are both made of the same stuff but ice being less dense floats on water.

The Part of ice which sticks out of water is one-tenth the total volume of the ice and the rest nine-tenth is submerged below water.

This is very much like our mind. The part that peeks above water is the conscious, the submerged part is the sub-conscious and the water is of course the world mind. Our mind is derived or made up from the world mind only but because of our denseness (here we differ from ice) we feel we are different from the world mind.

One more thing that is noticed (not iced?) is that while the so called conscious part is not at all in touch with the world mind. Where as the sub-conscious is surrounded and in touch with the world mind from all sides.


Sunday, October 08, 2006

Satguru's words and its effects.

The effect of words spoken to a pupil by the Satguru is amply demonstrated in the life of
Sant Gadge maharj .
Article from here:
About Sant Gadge Baba
Who was this man -- Gadge Maharaj -- who can motivate from his grave the simple folk of India, in a manner money could not?

Full name Debuji Zhingraji Janorkar later known as Sant Gadge baba. He was born on 13 February 1876 in Shedgaon a village in Amaravati Dt of Maharashtra. His father was a dhobi and a small time farmer but a hopeless drunkard. The bewildered young boy went to grow up in his uncle's care. When he was a young man - married with a child- misery continued to chase him. His farm was possessed by a money lender who drove him and his family away. He then began to labour for a wage.

"One day as he ran around busily chasing birds raiding grain, a sadhu happened to pass by. He saw the panting young man and began to laugh loudly. "Do you think you own the grain?" asked the mendicant. That was the young man's aha moment. He walked out and into the world. And thus began a life that lives on in the collective memory of our humble people.

"Till his death in 1956 Gadge Maharaj traveled everywhere in the then Bombay Presidency. Packed to the hilt it would arrive in a village. Every morning began with 2 hours of sweeping and cleaning. Not a drop of water passed his lips till he had done that. He affected people everywhere. Money poured in for his projects. He built inns, schools, animal shelters and medical centres that thrive till this day. Yet the Maharaj stayed rarely for more a couple of days at any place. He was forever in a hurry and on a mission."

The Do-It-Yourself Preacher:
"For many of us, Gadge Maharaj was Gandhi's equal or greater.
He was a big man who dressed to attract attention. He wore his eating pan on his head and always carried a broom in in his hands.
On arrival in a village he would lead his entourage in briskly sweeping the streets clean.
His meetings --satsangs-- would begin with a token nod to God and quicky arrive at his pet themes.
"Give" was his keyword.
"Give food to the hungry, shelter to the needy, clothes to the naked, protection to animals and trees, aid for girls' marriages," he would say.
"Live clean and simple.
Shun intoxicants.
Care for the environment."
During 51 years of his active life. Sant ji set up a net work of public works
31 educational institutions,
17 Dharma-Shalas,
several Goshalas, Ghats, Charitable Dispensaries,
5-Girls Schools, one Mahila Ashram and one High-school in Maharasthra.
His most important activities were physical achievements for cease-less and uncompromising efforts to eradicate superstitions, belief in super- natural powers, boon seeking habits etc.
He complained for the removal of drinking, wasteful expenditure, dowry, child marriage etc.
He denounced casteism, untouchability, exploitation of man by man, exploitation of agricultural labour by peasant ant that of the peasants by traders, money lenders and shopkeepers.
He also opposed the exploitation and ill-treatment of the devotees at the religious places.
He used to say that the education is must to all.
India has been blessed with many realized souls, Baba is unique because he rose from a poor and debtridden farmer to becoming a lighthouse to many a beliwered people stepped in superstition
and illitracy. He showed them the value of cleanliness, education and many of their erroneous flawed thinking. This he did in their own language and imagery they understood.

Such is the effect of the word of the Sadguru for a ripe disciple.