Sunday, July 29, 2007

Thank God for the Guru.

Today is the most auspicious day of Guru pournimaa (the full moon day when we thank the Guru for everything he/she has done for us).
I pay my heartfelt devotion and gratitude to all the teachers and master who touched my life and made it more wonderful.
A Guru is one who takes our fear (God) and fills us with Love (the self).

For a common person like me God was a personification of my fears (I worshipped a form as God only because I believed he will save me from all the bad things that happened to other peoples).
My Gurus showed me a path out of this delusion and brought me in the presence of the Truth.

My Satgurunath Dr. Narayandutt Shrimali who put the whole universe in my begging bowl.

Pundit Sanjay Rath (He has not accepted me as his student formally) not only for his Jyotish Knowledge but also for his humility and humaneness.

All the other Gurus who influenced me by their thoughts, words and deeds.
(There are toomany to be named individually).