Today is Vyaasa Poornimaa as well as the date when Sadgurunaath left us. What a coincidence! i wonder if i should be sad or thankful and offer my gratitude to the one who was, is and will always be my Istha. He left us on this day, maybe because he had finished his mission or maybe out of sadness that try as much and inspite of superhuman efforts from his side to change us, we are still the same. speaking for myself, i am like the fly who sits on sweetmeat for a few seconds but as soon as it sees night-soil it will leave the sweet and go and stick to (sh)it.
May be the change will come slowly.
One thing i know for sure is that he will never stop trying. It is a promise he made and one that he will keep. He is after all Nikhilehwaraananda Nath.
Todays coincidence is i feel a wake up call. Hope we all heed it. we have emerged from him - its time we merged in him.
May be the change will come slowly.
One thing i know for sure is that he will never stop trying. It is a promise he made and one that he will keep. He is after all Nikhilehwaraananda Nath.
Todays coincidence is i feel a wake up call. Hope we all heed it. we have emerged from him - its time we merged in him.