Sunday, October 08, 2006

Satguru's words and its effects.

The effect of words spoken to a pupil by the Satguru is amply demonstrated in the life of
Sant Gadge maharj .
Article from here:
About Sant Gadge Baba
Who was this man -- Gadge Maharaj -- who can motivate from his grave the simple folk of India, in a manner money could not?

Full name Debuji Zhingraji Janorkar later known as Sant Gadge baba. He was born on 13 February 1876 in Shedgaon a village in Amaravati Dt of Maharashtra. His father was a dhobi and a small time farmer but a hopeless drunkard. The bewildered young boy went to grow up in his uncle's care. When he was a young man - married with a child- misery continued to chase him. His farm was possessed by a money lender who drove him and his family away. He then began to labour for a wage.

"One day as he ran around busily chasing birds raiding grain, a sadhu happened to pass by. He saw the panting young man and began to laugh loudly. "Do you think you own the grain?" asked the mendicant. That was the young man's aha moment. He walked out and into the world. And thus began a life that lives on in the collective memory of our humble people.

"Till his death in 1956 Gadge Maharaj traveled everywhere in the then Bombay Presidency. Packed to the hilt it would arrive in a village. Every morning began with 2 hours of sweeping and cleaning. Not a drop of water passed his lips till he had done that. He affected people everywhere. Money poured in for his projects. He built inns, schools, animal shelters and medical centres that thrive till this day. Yet the Maharaj stayed rarely for more a couple of days at any place. He was forever in a hurry and on a mission."

The Do-It-Yourself Preacher:
"For many of us, Gadge Maharaj was Gandhi's equal or greater.
He was a big man who dressed to attract attention. He wore his eating pan on his head and always carried a broom in in his hands.
On arrival in a village he would lead his entourage in briskly sweeping the streets clean.
His meetings --satsangs-- would begin with a token nod to God and quicky arrive at his pet themes.
"Give" was his keyword.
"Give food to the hungry, shelter to the needy, clothes to the naked, protection to animals and trees, aid for girls' marriages," he would say.
"Live clean and simple.
Shun intoxicants.
Care for the environment."
During 51 years of his active life. Sant ji set up a net work of public works
31 educational institutions,
17 Dharma-Shalas,
several Goshalas, Ghats, Charitable Dispensaries,
5-Girls Schools, one Mahila Ashram and one High-school in Maharasthra.
His most important activities were physical achievements for cease-less and uncompromising efforts to eradicate superstitions, belief in super- natural powers, boon seeking habits etc.
He complained for the removal of drinking, wasteful expenditure, dowry, child marriage etc.
He denounced casteism, untouchability, exploitation of man by man, exploitation of agricultural labour by peasant ant that of the peasants by traders, money lenders and shopkeepers.
He also opposed the exploitation and ill-treatment of the devotees at the religious places.
He used to say that the education is must to all.
India has been blessed with many realized souls, Baba is unique because he rose from a poor and debtridden farmer to becoming a lighthouse to many a beliwered people stepped in superstition
and illitracy. He showed them the value of cleanliness, education and many of their erroneous flawed thinking. This he did in their own language and imagery they understood.

Such is the effect of the word of the Sadguru for a ripe disciple.

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