Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Can one sell Geeta?

For the past many days ISKON people are selling Translation of Geeta by Srila Prabhupada in train stations of Mumbai. They are shouting as though they are selling some ware. The speaker blare loudly offering fifty percent discount on the Geeta.
It leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.
Firstly what they are selling is a translation with commentary (with the original verses) by somebody, how so ever he may be respectful, but they shout on top of their voice,"Geeta, fifty percent discount, discounted rate, buy now!"

What people of other religious affiliation may be thinking?
Is this the way we treat the Song of lord Krishna to Arjun, recorded by Lord Ganesh, dictated by Veda vyasa, described by Sanjay to Drithrastra and then commented upon by so many illustrious people starting from the Adi Shankara himself?
Can one sell the Geeta and that to at a discounted price?
It happens only in India.

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