Monday, January 22, 2007

The Key to Success?

The five ‘S’ of Sadhana:

Sadhana means the effort put in to achieve a goal. Sadhak is the person trying to achieve the goal, Sadhya is the goal and when the goal is achieved through the Sadhaks effort it is called siddhi and the Sadhak is called a siddha (Adept) of that Sadhana.

This is applicable in any field of human endeavor but especially in the Spiritual path (Adhyatmik marg).

The Sadhya here is the Ishtaa devata (in the form of a mantra) and when the Sadhak achieves perfection in attuning the self towards the Devata (deity) to the extent that there is no differentiation between the self, the mantra and the devata.

The path of Sadhana is difficult but, if guidelines provided by the Siddhas who already achieved Siddhi of that particular Mantric form of the Deity, then success is more the easier.

In all Sadhanas five very important criteria has to be diligently fulfilled. These are called the five ‘S’ of Sadhana. They are:

1. Sthan : place – which means the place which you choose for doing a particular Sadhana cannot be changed in between.

2. Samaya: Time-which means you have to be very punctual in your Sadhana, and the time when you do your Sadhana cannot be changed every day. If for example you start the Sadhana at four o’clock in the morning then every day you have to start it at four in the morning, and flexibility of five minutes plus-minus is allowed not more than that.

3. Sankhya: Count- the number of repetitions (of the mantra) required each day should be fixed. You cannot increase or decrease it as per you whims. For example a particular Sadhana requires a minimum japa of hundred thousand (one Lakh) and you are doing the Sadhana for forty four days then divide the hundred thousand into forty four which comes to about two thousand seventy three per day or twenty three malas (one mala is one hundred and eight beads rosary). Every day you have to count so many rosaries –nothing less nothing more.

4. Samagri: Equipments and offerings- the offering prescribed for that particular Sadhana should be offered every day without fail, you are not allowed to skip or add some of your own. Also the equipments (like some Yantra, Mudras, Puja rituals, and any other special things like gutika etc) should be used every single day without skipping.

5. Samyama: Self Control- you have to control your natural urges for the whole period of Sadhana. Like celiblacy, dietary restrictions etc. Plus any special requirement as per the Sadhana procedure given through instruction from the Gurudev(Guru here means the revealer of the mantra as well as the procedure of Sadhana).

These are the very basis on which Sadhana is supported and which assures success.

I believe these qualities if inculcated in every day life for achieving the purpose of life (As per the persons aims and goals in life) then Siddhi (success) is sure and you will be called an expert of your chosen field.


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